Publications and Contributions
“Cultural Detective Switzerland®” – Co-Author
Cultural Detective is designed to improve conditions and productivity in
an internationalor multicultural environment. As an intercultural
competence tool, it is designed to lessen stereotyping and improve
dialogue. Cultural Detective®, while it is a registered trademark, it
also is an intercultural project involving more than 130 professionals
from all around the world.
Contributions to the book “Beyond Chocolate”- Understanding Swiss Culture”, by Margaret Oertig – Bergli Books, 2002
Swiss Culture Expert for the book “Switzerland- Culture Smart! The Essential Guide to Customs & Culture” by Kendall Maycock, Kuperard 2004
Articles written in English
Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN), Field Exchange, Issue 13, August 2001
Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN), Field Exchange, Issue 14, November 2001
“Whose time is it anyway?”
Emergency Nutrition Network (ENN), Field Exchange, Issue 15, April 2002
“Under the burqa”
Articles written in German
Swiss Connect, Senior Expert Corps (SEC), SEC-News, 2/2013
BSO Journal 1/2010 (BSO Berufsverband für Coaching, Supervision und Organisationsberatung)
“Kulturverständnis als Wettbewerbsvorteil
Swiss Export Journal, 2. Quartal 2009
“Interkulturelles Marketing ?”
INSIDE, Magazin des SMC Swiss Marketing Club, 2013
Articles written in French
Denaris, Magazine de l’Association Suisse des Gérants de Fortune / ASG, 02/2012
Persorama suisse, HR Swiss – Septembre 2009
“Marketing interculturel ?”
INSIDE, Magazine du SMC Swiss Marketing Club, 2013
“Une carrière dans l’humanitaire mise au profit du management interculturel”
Portrait d’Ariane Curdy, Marc Lalive d’Epinay, HR Today, Avril 2009